
The Sound Bath Experience


Individual Sessions

This is a personalized session designed to provide a safe space for free expression and targeted, healing dynamics. You may wish to experience the Sounds alone, or you may choose one of the themes below for a guided meditation. The advantage of an individual session is that the Practitioner can concentrate entirely on you. The tuning forks and bowls may be placed directly on your body to activate your nerve centers and gently massage your bone tissue. If you are suffering from a specific physical ailment, this gentle, vibrational massage releases blockage and allows your energy to flow freely. Our organism is made to heal itself; Sound activates our defenses.

Themes for Guided Meditation:
• Releasing Tension and Harmonizing with Nature
• The Power of Belief, and Thankfulness
• Overcoming Fear
• Embracing Change
• Transmuting Anger
• Rising from Depression
• Determination and Resilience


You may choose Sound only, or a Sound Bath accompanied by the meditations above


One Zoom Session: 60 minutes - $120
Three Consecutive Zoom Sessions (one per week) 60 minutes: $340
Seven Zoom Consecutive Sessions (one per week) : $700

In Person:

One session: 60 minutes - $140
Three sessions (one per week): 60 minutes each - $380
Seven Zoom Sessions (a seven-week program) - $900

Group Sessions

Ideally, a group session should serve no more than 15-20 participants. It’s both comforting and stimulating to experience Sound in a group, something about being together creates a strong element for collective healing.

The session will include deep listening to Tibetan and Crystal bowls, a gong, chimes, tuning forks, kalimbas, bells, percussion and rattles. Some sessions may include body percussion, drumming, vocal work, group discussion, corporal expression and free-style dance.

Everyone responds differently, there is no "right or wrong" way to experience a Sound Bath. It’s a gentle and powerful venue for inner peace, a space you'll cherish and want to return to over-and-over again
You may choose to experience Sound only, or with the guided meditations above



• One 90-minute session: $25 per participant
• Three consecutive sessions (one weekly): $60 per participant
• Seven consecutive sessions (a seven-week program): $130 per participant

In person:

These sessions are perfect for yoga centers, corporate and school settings, or a large living room. They can be adapted to any age group, occupation or work environment.

One 90-minute session: $30 per participant
Three 90-minute sessions (one each week): $75 per participant
Seven 90-minute sessions (a seven-week program): $180 per participant


The Voice

The human voice is an oval shaped muscle at the base of the throat. When we sing, it moves in waves and circles, and pops up and down. There is no other muscle in the human body that performs this way. By exercising the voice, we actually set in motion a chain reaction of energy and vibration that feeds the entire body.

In our sessions, we learn toning and humming for healing, we do exercises to gain confidence and we connect with our voice in new way. When we sing in a group, stop worrying about how we sound and let it all out, the sound is multiplied, creating a chamber of vibrations where emotions and thoughts can flow freely.

We will use some basic instruments to accompany the voice, however, the session will focus on using our voice.


One Session: 60 minutes - $120
Three consecutive sessions - $340
Seven sessions (a seven-week program to improve your vocal capacity): $800

In person:

One session: $140
Three consecutive sessions: $380
Seven sessions: (a seven-week course): $900


We will include Drumming in all of the above sessions. If you prefer an entire session with drumming only, please contact us to discuss options for pricing.



One Session: 60 minutes - $120
Three consecutive sessions - $340
Seven sessions (a seven-week program to improve your vocal capacity): $800

In person:

One session: $140
Three consecutive sessions: $380
Seven sessions: (a seven-week course): $900

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